Candy Dulfer needs no introduction. She performed with such greats as Prince, Pink Floyd and David Stewart. Just last year, she scored a number one hit in the US with Convergency, along with Chic legend Nile Rodgers... On Saturday 21 December, Dulfer was at Oosterpoort Groningen with her own band for her new world tour We Funk Harder. A room full of enthusiastic visitors hung on her saxophone-playing lips.
Text & photography: Annika Hoogeveen
Gentlemen's Watch already spoke to the saxophonist in late 2022 about her then upcoming documentary and We Never Stop tour. During that interview, she indicated that the saxophone "is basically the human voice, but without words. That's why this instrument attracts everyone so much. I sometimes see people in front of me and they are completely ecstatic by the sound. It strikes a chord with them."
And so now there is this concert series: We Funk Harder. Dulfer certainly delivers on the promise. From the start of the performance to the encore. The hall hardly stands still for a moment, constantly moving to the powerful, warm notes. What a wonderful sound. The tone is first set by Jammin' Tonight. But as soon as the first notes of Lily Was Here -her memorable collaboration with David Stewart- sound, everyone is silent. No lyrics; just that beautiful interplay of guitar and saxophone.
A goosebump moment. Together with guitarist Ulco Bed, whom Candy has played with since her childhood (you can see and feel that too), Dulfer puts down a delightful rendition of this unique song.
What stands out is that everyone on stage is having such fun. They enjoy it. You not only see that, but most of all you hear it. It gives you extra energy as a visitor and listener. The interaction with the audience is one of mutual joy. There is a lot of attention for the other band members, who get all the space they need to show their talent. There is Ulco Bed's beautiful guitar solo, but drummer Kick Woudstra also performs an impressive drum solo. Singer Ivan Peroti lets visitors enjoy his unique voice.
Self-mockery and humour. That, too, is an important part of the show. Laugh. Combined with personal anecdotes, Candy Dulfer makes of We Funk Harder a smashing performance.
Embouchure. Dulfer also talked about this during the aforementioned GW interview. "When you play a series of thirty notes, you naturally want even the very last note to come out clearly and beautifully. That vision and that power for it is very important and you train it by studying a lot and playing a lot in succession." I watch Dulfer with admiration as she completely goes for it note after note after note, song after song.
Including a wonderful tribute -Straight to the Heart- to alto saxophonist David Sanborn, who died this year. And Groningen himself is "honoured" with a "personal" song: Groningen City Lights. That, of course, is L.A. City Lights. Laughing, visitors to the Oosterpoort move along to the rhythm of this delightful song. We are also treated to a song that can only be listened to during performances. It has never been released or posted online; "Unless you film it now and put it online." Besides her version of Average White Bands Pick Up The Pieces several more hits pass by. During the encore, the roof pretty much goes off when Dulfer, together with trumpeter Jan van Duikeren and saxophonist Peter Lieberom, walks into the audience.
The now iconic saxophonist Candy Dulfer knows how to give a stunning performance. A joyful and colourful concert experience, where you will leave the venue with energy to mentally prepare for the new year.
Candy Dulfer - We Funk Harder Tour can be seen in various Dutch cities until 2 February 2025.